Schroders global market perspective for South African investors

March Global Markets Perspective

Schroders (South Africa)

In the March edition of the Global Markets Perspective podcast, join Philip Robotham, Head of Intermediary and David Rees, Senior Emerging Markets Economist, for a discussion on latest developments in the global economy. Topics include:

  • An insight into Schroders' recent global growth forecasts
  • The potential for rate hikes and the impact of the Ukraine crisis
  • How EM and DM markets are responding to recent events

For professional investors and advisers only. Not suitable for retail investors. Capital at risk.

Issued by Schroders Investment Management Ltd registration number: 01893220 (Incorporated in England and Wales). Schroders Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and an authorised financial services provider in South Africa FSP No: 48998. ​