Schroders global market perspective for South African investors
Keep up to date with global market analysis to help with your investment decisions in South Africa. This podcast and the information contained herein is Marketing Material for a South Africa investment professional only. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested. Past Performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. Schroders Investment Management Ltd an authorised financial services provider, FSP No: 48998, registration number: 01893220 (Incorporated in England and Wales). The information is not an offer, solicitation or recommendation, any funds, services or products mentioned might not be appropriate for all listeners. Please speak to a financial adviser if you are unsure as to the suitability of any investment.
Schroders global market perspective for South African investors
October Global Markets Perspective
Schroders (South Africa)
In the October edition of the Global Markets Perspective podcast, Kondi Nkosi, Country Head, is joined by David Rees, Senior Emerging Markets Economist, to discuss the key talking points in the economy. Topics include:
- An overview of the global economy
- Implications of Russia’s withdrawal from the Black Sea deal
- An update on China
- Central bank intervention in the currency markets
- A look into the crystal ball for next year
For professional investors and advisers only. Not suitable for retail investors. Capital at risk.
Issued by Schroders Investment Management Ltd registration number: 01893220 (Incorporated in England and Wales). Schroders Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and an authorised financial services provider in South Africa FSP No: 48998.