Schroders global market perspective for South African investors

February 2023 Global Markets Perspective

Schroders (South Africa)

In this month's Global Markets Perspective podcast, Pan European Banks Analyst Justin Bisseker tackles three questions posed by Eugenio Cicconetti, Head of Global Financial Client Group:

  • Can you explain what Additional Tier 1s (AT1s) are?
  • Why did writing off AT1s in the UBS/Credit Suisse deal create such a market reaction?
  • What is your assessment of the European banking sector: is there a systemic risk?

For professional investors and advisers only. Not suitable for retail investors. Capital at risk.

Issued by Schroders Investment Management Ltd registration number: 01893220 (Incorporated in England and Wales). Schroders Investment Management Ltd is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority and an authorised financial services provider in South Africa FSP No: 48998. ​